Binh-Son Hua

Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin

 binhson.hua (at) / binhson.hua (at) gmail

 Google Scholar

My current research interests are in the intersection of computer graphics and computer vision, where I focus on developing deep learning techniques for realistic image and 3D synthesis.

Before joining TCD, I was a Research Scientist at VinAI, the first AI research lab in Vietnam with a focus on fundamental research in 2020-2023. I did my postdoctoral research on physically based rendering with Dr. Toshiya Hachisuka at the University of Tokyo, and on 3D deep learning with Dr. Sai-Kit Yeung at Singapore University of Technology and Design. I received my PhD at National University of Singapore in 2015, working with Dr. Kok-Lim Low.


  • Jul 17, 2024: Two papers accepted to ECCV 2024 (diverse text-to-3D generation, and underwater instance visual description)

  • Feb 27, 2024: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2024 (object insertion and removal for NeRFs, and underwater image segmentation).

  • Aug 04, 2023: A co-authored conference paper on Monte Carlo image denoising accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.

  • July 14, 2023: Three papers accepted to ICCV 2023 (Stylized neural radiance fields, 360-degree neural scene decoration, and 3D point cloud instance segmentation).

  • June 22, 2023: Two papers accepted to IROS 2023.

  • June 20, 2023: I will serve as Area Chair for CVPR 2024.

  • June 07, 2023: I was recognized as a CVPR 2023 Outstanding Reviewer.

  • Mar 01, 2023: One paper accepted to CVPR 2023 (3D point cloud instance segmentation)

  • Oct 11, 2022: Two papers accepted to WACV 2023 (GAN inversion for 3D point clouds, single-image HDR reconstruction) and a paper accepted to ACCV 2022 (self-supervised point cloud learning with multiple-view rendering).

  • July 04, 2022: Four papers accepted to ECCV 2022 with the following topics: neural scene decoration, 4D point cloud reconstruction, text-to-image synthesis, and few-shot video classification.

  • June 17, 2022: A paper about style transfer for architectural photographs accepted to ICCP 2022.

  • Mar 26, 2022: Two co-author papers about Monte Carlo rendering accepted to SIGGRAPH North America 2022.

  • Mar 03, 2022: A paper on GAN inversion accepted to CVPR 2022.

  • Feb 14, 2022: An extended version of RIConv++, a simple rotation invariant convolution for point clouds, accepted to IJCV journal 2022.

  • Oct 20, 2021: A co-author paper on neural sequence transformation was presented at Pacific Graphics 2021 (Computer Graphics Forum).

  • Sep 29, 2021: A paper on few-shot learning accepted at NeurIPS 2021.

  • July 23, 2021: Two papers on 3D point cloud learning accepted at ICCV 2021.

  • June 12, 2021: Two papers on medical segmentation are accepted at MICCAI 2021.

  • Jan 13, 2021: A paper on network pruning (that retraining with proper learning rate schedules matters) is accepted at ICLR 2021!


Last update: Oct 27, 2022